Responsibility for the future > Sustainability > Audi New Zealand

Responsibility for the future

In the series "The Bigger Picture: Sustainability @ AUDI AG", polar explorer and climate analyst Sebastian Copeland illustrates how the criteria for ecological and social sustainability determine Audi's conduct.

Icy landscape.

Sebastian Copeland is convinced that the two key drivers for our future are science and technology, which provide solutions. For over 25 years, the Englishman has been committed to climate protection. He is a polar explorer and climate analyst, having studied geology and glaciology, among other fields. However, Copeland is also an award-winning photographer and author. The Englishman crossed Greenland and Antarctica and reached the geographic North Pole – on foot. "And every time I return to these places, to the Arctic or Antarctic, I see the accompanying effects and impacts of human actions," he explains.

ESG criteria.
Portrait of Sebastian Copeland.

Sebastian Copeland has had a long-standing collaboration with Audi, which now continues in a nine-part series. In "The Bigger Picture: Sustainability @ AUDI AG", the researcher invites viewers to take a deep look into the inner workings of an automotive company like Audi. This special expedition takes him to various important Audi locations and allows him to meet with interdisciplinary Audi experts, with whom he discusses the crucial topics for ecological and social sustainability. "In this series on environment, social issues, and responsible corporate governance, or ESG, we will delve deeply into what could make a difference," summarizes Sebastian Copeland.


In this series we will delve deeply into what could make a difference.

Sebastian Copeland

Customers wouldn’t see any difference. The components, Schoberer emphasises, would by no means be inferior in terms of quality – and yet they would become more and more sustainable. Various tests have been and are still being conducted on how to further sort the plastics and which recycling technologies can be used to upgrade them. “Material recycling always has top priority, as it requires the least energy,” says Schoberer. The plastic waste is first shredded. Then the granules are melted down, and finally a new shape is formed. This process requires so-called fractions that are as pure as possible. However, the necessary sorting of plastics has its technical limits. In order to still benefit from solutions for plastic waste, Jutta Schoberer is also working on physical and chemical recycling in addition to adapting the sorting process.

The path is becoming clearer: “We have already found first solutions to existing problems and continue to work on enabling the recycling and reuse of more plastics from end-of-life vehicles. Our tests and upcoming vehicle projects show that it is possible.” As is the wheel arch liner on the Audi A4 Avant.

Sebastian Copeland in the icy landscape

Join Sebastian Copeland in "The Bigger Picture: Sustainability @ AUDI AG" in the coming days and weeks on a special expedition and discover how Audi lives up to the criteria for ecological and social sustainability as one of the central guiding principles of its corporate governance.

Audi Q6 e-tron Prototyp
Audi Q6 e-tron Prototyp
Audi Q6 e-tron Prototyp
The Audi charging hubs
Data Security & Data Protection
Human Rights
A hand in the sunlight.

Living shared values

Audi lives by a shared value system across all organizational levels. The criteria for ecological sustainability form the basis for all decisions. Not only to shape the transformation to clean mobility as a pioneer, but also to provide impulses for social change. And thus make a decisive contribution to solving global challenges. Find out how Audi is both shaping the transformation of mobility and providing impetus for social change.